26 apr 2011


have you already seen these amazing rings from maniamania? it looks like they're strait out of lord of the rings movie. the rings go for 300 to 400 dollars and you can buy them here.

25 apr 2011

black and white rose

i love black and white photos. i actually don't like roses, but in this photo it looks amazing!

24 apr 2011

summer rebel

i love this look. and wish i could wear it for summer.

18 apr 2011

new bag

today i bought this bag from zara! what do you think?

16 apr 2011

the xx

here one of my new favorite songs. i always have a hard time explaining what kind of music i like, but this song is a great example! it's form the xx and it's called crystalised. i hope you like it!

15 apr 2011

22 tracks

What it is?

22tracks.com is a jukebox consisting of 22 playlists of different genres, each playlist filled with 22 tracks, selected by specialized DJs from Amsterdam & Brussels. 22tracks provides a quick overview of the latest music, promotes new artists and lets you discover new genres. No registration, no hassle. New music, the easy way. They  do not support illegal downloading. When you like the track you can click the shoppingcart and buy it at iTunes, Amazon or Juno Records. You can also help promoting the track on Twitter and/or Facebook by using the “share track” button.

Why it’s cool?
I think it’s cool because you never know witch songs will be posted on the website. You maybe will be hearing music you would normally wouldn’t listen to yourself and like it. Also it is a great way to promoting the tracks and give them a bigger crowd. 

# web 2.0

13 apr 2011

bad bad me!

omg. i feel so bad! almost a week gone by that i didn't post anything on my blog. i even didn't look myself on my blog. bad bad me! it really surprised me that still i had visitors these last days. i've been buried in school work, but after tomorrow that will finally be over! and i can keep my blog up to date again. pff, i can't wait for that. now i will leave you with this amazing picture that gives me the ultimate holiday feeling. something i'm really looking forward!

7 apr 2011

beaute cover

an other great cover from vogue beaute! i love the big hair, it looks so mysterious. ps: sorry for my bad blogging lately, i've been busy with a lot of school deadlines! 

4 apr 2011

bright as the sun DIY

two weeks ago i posted this "bright as the sun" look i liked here on my blog. and last week, when i was looking around on blogloving, i saw that andy from stylescrapbook made a DIY for the same look! so here the link for this amazing DIY.

3 apr 2011

gossip girl marathon

today was a real lazy sunday. so i trough myself a gossip girl marathon! the annoying thing only is that when you watch one episode, you want to know what happens next, so i probably will keep watching gossip girl until i need to go to bed. here a little quote from the leading lady herself, xoxo

1 apr 2011

3 x power

my three favorite swedish bloggers. elin, emma and columbine. i follow their blog everyday and they are a real inspiration for me.  to bad a lot of their blogpost are in the swedisch language, and i can't read that. but if you don't know them already, take a look at their blogs!