29 okt 2010

tree camping

a few days ago i was searching for something on the internet at my parents house. they have as homepage bing, comparable to google, only it has realy cool pictures on there starting page. here i saw this beautiful picture of tree camping and thought it looked so nice!

what it is?
sleeping in trees is something that has come over from the United States, where they spent a night in the trees with the big tree climbing expeditions. this is done using "tree boats". these are special hammocks for  tree sleeping. it's important when you're tree camping you're always stuck in your climbing system while you sleep. if you wouldn't do this it could have significant consequences! in europe they also allready enjoy this activity but it isn't yet as populair as in the united States.

why it's cool?
i can imagine when you wake up in the morning between the leaves and branches, the wind blowing and the birds are singing, this will be a very relaxing and special experience.

# experience economy

1 opmerking:

  1. wow this looks awesome. I thought it was a photoshopped picture at first but that it's real and this actually happens is so amazing and mystical
