7 feb 2011

john altman, spread the love

what it is?
the john altman organization is a organization who try to create things that make the world a better, happier place and have as little impact on the environment as possible. they do this in memory of john altman. when they met him on baker beach san francisco, he was just a man with a beard and an infectious grin strolling along the beach with a tray of cookies, wearing nothing but an apron and a pair of dog-eared flip flops. after they tasted the cookies, which were the best they ever tasted, they asked john if they could take them home. 'sure dude' he said, 'spread the love' and also gave them the recipe. his gift showed precisely the measure of the man to pass on his life's work to them, and ask for nothing in return except to make other people's lives better. now the organization make cookies, wine and even a book about how you can bake your way to happiness, all 100% natural and fairtrade. they like to think that's what john would have wanted.  as well on the site you can enter pladges and when a certain amount of people enter these pledges the organization will donate something to charities. places where you can buy the cookies are the alberthein and the coffee company.

why it's cool?
i just really like the whole story behind the organization. if you read the story the only thing you want to do is spread the love! the pledges are as well a really cool idea because now people can do more than only buy the products. what is also cool is that the organization is dutch! who would have thought!?

# sustainability # experience economy

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