18 jan 2011


what it is?
the concept of social shopping hasn't been around very long. this is a concept where people shop online, and then share the item with other users on the site. fashiolista provides a "love" button, which functions in a similar way to facebooks "like" button. users install a toolbar which allows them to "love" an item from any shopping site and add it to their collection. you can also track users, and you can see their list of favorite items. you can immediately see where you can buy the item. shops with whom the site works include h&m, mango, topshop, asos, and supertrash.

why it's cool?
fashiolista.com is a social shopping site where you see the best items that you might never find yourself. so check the website, follow people, get inspired and set youself a list! you can find my shopping style list here.

# web 2.0

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